Dream, Imagine

I finally feel like I did something crafty. I know, right! It's been what feels like months! I guess I can't take all the credit. I bought a sheet of vinyl images at TJ Maxx for $9.99 and thought they would look perfect in my daughters room. They came as little individual stickers so I did have to do some creative work at getting them on the wall.

She's got a pretty cool two story room with an extra window at the top. It makes for some cool architectural lines in her room.

My husband also put in some shelving in the kids closet. The only thing that was in there to start with is the wire rack/rod at the top. Worthless if you ask me. The shelves make so much more sense in a kids room. It gives us such good usable storage in there now and it's easy for my kids to keep their rooms clean.


  1. Wow, what a great room! And you're right about the shelving.

  2. I really really like the wall decoration. How cool! What a great use of space!


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