We bought our home almost exactly a year ago.
It was a short sale and while it was only three years old when we bought it, the previous owners lived in the house hard.
The young couple took in roommates to rent rooms and pay their mortgage and because of that there was a lot of moving in and out.
They had several puppies that did their teething on the molding. More on that another time.
They even took the extra paint from the builder with them when they moved out.
Thankfully, this color is on the walls at several of the neighbors houses, so we were able to borrow some paint to touch up.
I've been meaning to touch up the paint for MONTHS now, and after giving the kids some blue tape and having them mark the marks on the wall, I finally got my rear in gear!
I mean really, would you want to live in a house that was literally covered in blue tape?!
Several times I thought they were big spiders crawling up the wall. Eeks!
The stairs and the corners took some beatings in the house. Lots of touch ups were needed there.
This was my leg after I finished the job. Lots of tape, but I finally crossed that task off my list.
Ewww. I hate painting, too. But, I do love the end result. Good luck with the entertainment unit!