My personal news feed on Facebook has been blowing up with pre-school and Kindergarten graduation pictures and it's been driving me nuts!
Mostly because I don't see the point.
Seriously, were you worried that your child wasn't going to pass?
I just saw a friend post this very comment beside a graduation picture of her admittedly very cute four year old son "Well done buddy!!" followed by comments from family members saying "we are so proud of you" and "way to go!".
It hasn't been that long since my kids went to pre-school.
All three of them attended various pre-schools for at least two years each.
Not one of them had a pre-school graduation.
Maybe that makes me bitter?
Or maybe it makes me relieved.
I didn't have to buy overpriced professional portraits of my kids dressed in cap and gown,
bring balloons and flowers as congratulatory gifts or have a special dinner because by golly my kid graduated from a school where the only requirement is that their parents pay a monthly tuition to send them and that they show up.
Wait, they don't actually even have to do that!
Pre-school and Kindergarten are not required.
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