Adirondack chair refresh with a paint sprayer plus a giveaway!

Please tell me that I'm not the only one that hates to paint. Don't get me wrong, I love the way things look with a fresh coat of paint, I just don't have the time to brush on coat after coat of paint.  I'm sloppy too.  I usually just want to get the project done so I don't care what things get destroyed in the process.  Which I must say, isn't the best attitude to take on.  My dog has been several different colors because she's gotten too close to my project a time or two.

Not to worry! There is hope for people like us!  I recently got a Finish max paint sprayer and I have been going to town!  It's easy, fast and totally not sloppy at all!  I can't wait to show you my first project!

I picked up this Adirondack chair nearly a decade ago at a garage sale for $5.  It's seen better days but it's my favorite chair to sit in in my whole back yard!

The paint is chipping and in some places it was even coming totally off.  Now, I'm a big fan of chippy paint, but chippy paint in the elements {and here in Seattle we have our elements!} can lead to rotting wood.

I filled up the Finish Max paint sprayer with some paint that I had on hand from a past project.  Read the directions because some paints will need to be diluted in order to spray properly.  Thankfully, my paint passed the test, no diluting needed!

Painting tip: it's best to start with your project upside down to get the best coverage. Plus, when you turn it right side up, the hard part has already been done and you will be surprised at how quickly the project goes!

Using the paint sprayer was easy! Just pull the trigger and start spraying.  I put a drop cloth down but there was very little over spray.  I was also shocked that there was so much paint left in the container when I was finished.  I just figured the paint sprayer would waste paint but that was so not the case!
I let my chair dry in the sunshine while I cleaned up the paint sprayer.  I really thought that cleaning would be difficult, but I took out my hose and sprayed the spayer down.  It didn't take much time at all to get it clean.  Just do it as soon as you are finished because clean up will be that much easier!

I can't believe what a difference a coat of paint will make!

No more chipping paint.  No more backyard eye sore! I'm pretty sure I got my $5 worth don't you?!  I was impressed at how smoothly the paint went on.  No dripping or puddling and no funky brush lines.

Because I love my paint sprayer so much, I want you to have one too!  My friends at Home Right are giving one of my readers their very own paint sprayer.  If you hate painting as much as I do, I promise you, you will be obsessed with this paint sprayer.  And if you love painting...well, you will love this even more!

This giveaway is open to US residents only. Winner will be notified by e-mail so make sure you have your e-mail address enabled.  The winner will be announced on Facebook and Twitter. It helps to follow along.  Good luck!

disclaimer: thanks to Home Right for sponsoring this post and the giveaway. All opinions are 100% my own.

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