Baby goodies

A few weeks ago I went to my cousin's baby shower. We are so excited to be welcoming her first baby to the family. I whipped up some goodies and thought I would show them to you.

I love making little car seat blankets. You can find my tutorial here

I paired it with two matching burp cloths with a sweet little ruffle. I also gave the mom to be a custom made by me coordinating hooter hider

And you probably didn't forget, this monogram onesie. You can find the tutorial here


  1. They look great. I'm sure that the new mama was thrilled.

  2. What a lovely ensemble. I particularly like the onesie.

  3. love the onesie! Your blog is adorable! I wanted to let you know that I recently started a "Handmade Tuesdays" on Ladybug Blessings. I am featuring a tutorial (let me know if you ever want to be featured) and then am also going to have a linky at the bottom where people can link up previous tutorials they did. It can be from any time but the only rule is it cannot be linked up again. I am also going to be randomly featuring etsy shops as well because not everyone can make things! So please link up on Tuesday!

  4. What great baby gifts you had given. I'm sure the new mom was overwhelmed. :)


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