What I Wore Wednesday

Welcome to a really lame week of What I Wore Wednesday-garage sale edition. Not quite sure what happened but I was really bad at taking pictures of my outfits this week. I did get the hubby to snap this picture before he headed out today so I wouldn't disappoint. I'm sure you all could not sleep tonight if I didn't show you what I wore!

We have three long tedious afternoons of conferences with the kids teachers this week. So this is the power outfit for kid #3's teacher conference today.

Creme tank-Ann Taylor (still had the $38 tags on it): 50 cents

7 jeans: $10 (at a pricey garage sale)

Total: $10.50

If you are dying to see what I wore in past weeks because I just did not give you enough eye candy, you can click on my WI WW side bar.

I'm linking up with Lindsey here

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