I was obsessed with getting a dog!
It took me years of talking and convincing to finally have my husband on board with the idea.
His deal was that if the Obama girls had to wait until they moved, then our kids could wait too.
So before we had even spent 1 night in our brand spankin' new {to us} house, I found a dog on craigslist.
They told me we had to act fast and despite my husbands hesitations against this particular dog after meeting her, I convinced the owners and him that we needed to at least give this dog a shot for the night.
Well, before the night was over, the dog has destroyed our blinds, scratched up our front door, and chewed through the garage door wires. You can read more about our 12 hour dog here.
These are the blinds that the dog destroyed and because they were custom fit for the window, we have decided that the best solution for now {and the past 2 years apparently} has been to just pull the blinds up a few inches in the dining room.
None of you are any the wiser are you?
This is actually what the blinds look like down
{yes down. The dog chewed through several blinds that are now missing. You see it now don't you.}
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