We are fortunate that our family is very healthy.
We don't have any prescriptions that we fill on a regular basis
{besides the epipen}.
Because we are a healthy family, we are on a high deductible insurance plan.
What that means is that we are paying out of pocket for most medical expenses, including prescriptions.
This simple tip that I am going to share with you, is how I save our family money on the prescriptions that we need to fill.
It's as simple as calling around.
I am traveling to Africa this summer and need to complete several vaccinations before my trip.
The oral typhoid is one of them.
I spent about 20 minutes calling these 7 pharmacies to get their cash price on the prescription.
As you can see, there is a huge discrepancy from pharmacy to pharmacy for prescription medication.
Quite honestly, until we started our high deductible plan, I had no idea!
The prescribing Doctor would ask where we would like the prescription sent to, and I would choose the pharmacy closest to my house, or the one I needed to run errands to
{who doesn't need an excuse to go to Target?}
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