
Nothing crafty today to share today but I wanted to share that I ran my first half marathon this morning. I've been training for a few months now and am thankful to have my first half over with. I ended up with several knee injury's (IT band issues paired with pulling my distil hamstring) that had me concerned that I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm thankful to have made it through and very close to the time that I had *hoped* for (2:02-I was hoping to get under 2 hours) but hey, there are some hills in Washington not to mention running while injured. Check that off my bucket list! What's on yours?

1 comment

  1. Wow, you were just over you were hoping for. Close enough!! Congrats to you on your first one!

    I'd like to do a feature on you for Thrifty Threads this week. Would that be ok with you?

    ~ Kristi - The Speckled Dog


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