Baby prints and PicMonkey

My husband and I both had cousins that had babies last month.
I made these birth announcement prints for those sweet boys.

I've really loved using Picnik to make prints for the babies in our lives.

Remember this one I made around Christmas time?

I'm going to miss Picnik.
Just when I think I have it all figured out, 
it's closing down.
Story of my life.

Good news though
 I hear PicMonkey is very similar.
I can't wait to try it out.

Have you tried PicMonkey yet?
What do you think?

ps-would you mind taking a second and voting for me in the top 25 creative mom blogs contest?
It only takes a second and doesn't require anything more than a signing up for anything, no forms.
Promise.  Just a second of your time.


  1. Those are just adorable! How special!

    Blessings, Grace

  2. Those are so cute!! I love them! Good Job! Thanks for sharing this as well at Thursday's Temptation.


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