Paula's Pillowcase Project sewing for kids with cancer

Last week, I sewed my buns off for the third year at Paula's Pillowcase Project.
You can read more about past years here and here
You can read more about the project here

In a nutshell, my friend Paula's 10 year old son was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer.
While her son was at Children's Hospital in Seattle he had a scratchy stiff pillowcase.
It didn't take long for Paula to see a need for kids with cancer and
Paula's Pillowcase Project was formed.

Each year the amount of pillowcases that are made continues to increase as do the volunteers that are involved.
This year the goal was to make 250 pillowcases for the kids at Children's Hospital in Seattle.

The event starts long before the project weekend.
Donations are accepted and Paula and her son head to JoAnn's on black Friday buying bolts and bolts of fabric
Volunteers wash and iron the fabric
and on Friday, more volunteers come to pre cut kits that are sewn on Saturday

Here are the pieces of the kit all ready to be put together
There is one narrow piece
one wider plain piece
and a printed fleece that is the main fabric

People are cutting


and ironing

 Volunteers make a handmade card for each pillowcase with a sweet handwritten note inside

Volunteers young and old come out to help.
I was quite impressed with several young girls who came out this year to sew.
Both said they were taught by their Grandmothers
Such a great skill

It was also a lot of fun to teach this 10 year old boy how to sew
He really liked sewing more than he thought he would.
And just as I started helping him make a pillowcase from start to finish, my machine died on me.
Thankfully, Jenny was there to lend a hand and her sewing machine to help Seth out.

This year a decorative stitch was done on each of the narrow pieces of fleece.
I think it turned out great!

 Aren't they just adorable!

I am so thankful to have a part in making a little something to help the kids be just a little more comfortable.


I can't wait for next year.

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