Garage Sale Finds Friday---It's BACK!!!

It's that time of the year.
Time to start carrying cash in my pocket and keeping my eyes peeled for garage sale signs on every corner.
Yippee!  My favorite time of the year!
Garage Sale season is starting.
Let the hunting begin!

Garage sale season always starts slow and the garage sales are always few and far between.  With that in mind, I can only share my favorite garage sale find with you.

I scored when I found a box of vintage silk scarves.  

Some of the scarves still had tags on them

There were so many, all with different bright vibrant colors

I picked up 8 of them for $5.

Such a great deal.
What did you find this weekend?


  1. Oh...I am so jealous!!! Beautiful scarves~

  2. Those are really pretty, I love how they were displayed, what are you going to do with them? ;)


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