Back to school resolutions and memory verses

It's the first full week of school for my three kids this week.
My oldest son started his freshman year this year, my daughter is in fifth grade and our sweet little man is in the second grade.
I've taken on the role of PTA president at the younger two kids school.
Someone should have warned me!
It's a lot of work!
 I'm not a big fan of new year's resolutions.
Those tend to get quickly broken.
But I do love when a new school year starts, the new routine begins and you can easily set new goals, start fresh and make some new resolutions.

I talked about our family goal setting tradition last year if you want to read about it, you can do that here.

This year, we took out our same notebook, enjoyed a family meal together and set some goals for our family for the 2012-2013 school year.

It was fun to look over our goals from last year, and see that we achieved most of them.
This year our big family goal is to memorize more scripture verses.

I found this scripture verse for my oldest son.
I thought it would be a fitting verse for him to hide away in his heart so that he could pull this out when he faces temptation.

I made the verse in picmonkey and printed it on grey paper and hung it around his room.

As a family, we will have monthly scripture verses.
Each month, if the whole family knows the verse, then we get to have a special family treat.
It could be a trip to the bowling ally, a dinner out, ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop...the possibilities are endless!

This is our scripture verse for September.
Again, I just made it up in picmonkey, then printed it out and placed it around the house so that all of us will see it throughout the day.  This verse is in the kids bathroom.  When we brush teeth, we always go over the memory verse.
Do you set new school year resolutions or do you wait for the new year?

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