Kiwi Crate review...spoiler alert: you should get one too!

Win a Year of Creativity from Kiwi Crate

Earlier this month, I was asked to review a kiwi crate
I had actually never heard of kiwi crate, but was immediately intrigued when I went to their website.

You may not know this about me, but while at Purdue University (Boiler up!), I studied child development and family studies.  I always loved my child development classes, and it was particularly interesting when we had our oldest son mid way through my college career.  He sort of became my guinea pig to test theory's on and find out where he was in the Piagetian developmental stages.
Enough about that...hope I didn't lose you yet!

Everyone in our family loves getting mail.  Usually the littlest guy gets skipped over in the mail delivery unless it's his birthday, so he was so excited when he got his very first kiwi crate in the mail.

kiwi crate delivers right to your door with {the best part} free shipping!

Delightful kids' crafts delivered right to your door.  Free Shipping!  <Visit Kiwi Crate!>

So by now, you know
*that I studied at Purdue
*my kids love to get mail
*kiwi crate has free shipping

But you don't really know what kiwi crate is. 
Kiwi crate is a monthly subscription service for kids ages 3-7 {appropriate for girls or boys}

UPDATE!! You can also find Tinker Crate, Doodle Crate and all kinds of crates for all ages! 

 Each month subscribers receive boxes filled with plenty of materials (ours even came with a package of brand new scissors and a SHARPENED pencil!) and inspiration to complete 2-3 theme projects in arts and crafts, science activities or imaginative play.  Each project is designed by moms, reviewed by child development experts, and, of course, tested by kids!

The people at kiwi crate thought of EVERYTHING to include!  We didn't have to supply anything from our own stash.  Every.little.detail was taken care of!
Here's a little peek inside our kiwi crate.

Owen was so excited to see all of the cool things inside his new kiwi crate!

Not only could mom not believe that they included a sharpened pencil in the kit, Owen couldn't believe his eyes either!

Owen received a bug themed kiwi crate.  Other sample crates can be seen here.

Each of the instruction manuals explain how much parental involvement is needed and how messy it is {two very important components for me!} and also what the child learns while doing the project.

This particular kiwi crate came with these informational bug cards.
While Owen was busy with his crafts, I was reading along some of the facts from the cards.

My 10 year old daughter thought the kiwi crate looked pretty fun too!
So get this, if you have a few kids who you think would enjoy the kiwi crate too, there is a special sibling add on so that the kids don't have to fight about the supplies in the crate.  
I love that!
The people at kiwi crate thought of everything!

Owen was hard at work making his firefly.
It came with a working glow stick (and a back up glow stick for another night) and a long zip line so your firefly could actually fly!

Isn't it the cutest little firefly you have ever seen?
The next day, I found Owen complaining that he was bored.
I immediately reminded him that he had a kiwi crate with another project inside and he happily skipped to find his kiwi crate and his supplies.
Again, this kit came with everything!
The best part were the decompressed sponges that grow when you put them in water.
The whole project could have been done after that!

This particular kit was a sponge bug painting kit.
It came complete with two slick scenes ready to be embellished, and one blank scene to encourage creative freedom.

Again, Owen worked quite hard at completing his bug scene and it kept him busy for quite some time!
As a mom of three, it's always been important for me to find the time to have one on one time with my kids.
I really enjoyed my one on one time with Owen while we completed the kiwi crate together.
The holidays are quickly approaching, and I am always fond of giving experiences, rather than toys that will just sit collecting dust.  I have a few kids in mind that I know would love to receive a kiwi crate in the mail.  More information about gift subscriptions can be found here.  Subscriptions can be ordered month-to-month or annually, and there is even a 3 and 6 month gift subscription option.

I really was impressed with kiwi crate and loved that they thought of every detail.
Why don't you give kiwi crate a try?
I know you will love it too!

disclaimer: I did receive a free kiwi crate for my son and will receive commission if any of my readers subscribe.  However, all opinions are 100% my own, and I wouldn't endorse a product I didn't actually love!

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