The Very Best Fruit Dip made with only 2 Ingredients

I feel like I am just about to divulge a huge family secret. I'm sharing one of our families favorite recipes today. It is a recipe that my mom shared with me and that when ever I serve it at a party or an event I always get asked for it. It's almost too easy that I hate to share it! You are going to die when you find out what two ingredients you probably have in your home right now go to make this fruit dip. It seriously is the very best fruit dip you will ever make. I promise you, it will be a hit with everyone!
the very best fruit dip is made with only 2 ingredients

Are you ready for it? The very best fruit dip is made with a block of cream cheese and a jar of marshmallow fluff. That's it! I let my cream cheese get to room temperature {otherwise the dip is chunky not smooth} and I whip the two together in my mixer. You want your dip to be nice and fluffy so whip it good.

the very best fruit dip is made with only 2 ingredients

Our very favorite fruit to dip in the fruit dip is strawberries. 

I usually stock up on marshmallow fluff around Christmas. I can find it at the Dollar Store {yep, you can buy everything at the Dollar Store...even marshmallow fluff!}.  

the very best fruit dip is made with only 2 ingredients

It's a sweet treat that will have your kids begging for fruit!

the very best fruit dip is made with only 2 ingredients

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