You are more than just a number

“Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Weight Watchers through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Weight Watchers Beyond the Scale, all opinions are my own.”

I was 29. I had three small kids and I was nearing a milestone birthday.  I had a fairly healthy diet, but I did love my ice cream. I was moving very little and had never in my life taken part in any kind of workout routine. I decided that I would enter into my 30's taking care of me. I had spent my 20's really focused on being a wife and a mom. My body was a baby maker and food creator and while that was perfect for that season of life, I was starting a new chapter. I wanted to be the best version of me that I could be, not only for myself, but for my family.

I didn't have a number on a scale that I was striving for; I only wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle. I joined a gym and started doing group fitness classes. I ran my first 5k on my 30th birthday,

followed by my first half marathon: 13.1 miles. I wasn't a runner, never had been. I had never run more than a mile and only when I had to for our Presidential physical fitness test in middle school, so it was crazy to me, that I started pounding the pavement to train. I realized that I didn't love running, but I sure did love feeling accomplished when I met my goal afterwards.

half marathon finish line

There are so many numbers. Heck, these are the numbers I have just mentioned or think about when I talk about my own healthy lifestyle.

you are more than just a number

It's easy to get caught up in numbers when you are on a journey to a healthier lifestyle. The number on the scale, the calories in the food you eat, the goal you have set to accomplish, but you are more than just a number. You are uniquely you. 

I love the new approach that Weight Watchers has taken with their Beyond the Scale program. Weight Watchers realizes that you are more than just a number on the scale, you are much more complex and exciting than that! 

The Beyond the Scale program starts with a personalized assessment so that they can see the whole picture of your lifestyle, your challenges and your goals. While the scale is one tool that is used to measure your weight loss progress, the Beyond the Scale program realizes that there are other ways that reach beyond the scale to help you meet your maximum potential. 

Beyond the Scale is all about you! Personalized to look at every aspect of your lifestyle and your personality. Weight Watchers offers a holistic approach to healthy eating paired with a healthy lifestyle. No one loves a diet. Beyond the Scale is simply a way to help you manage how you eat paired with a new fitness approach that will keep you on track to meeting all your health goals. You are simply creating a healthier version of you!

When you join Weight Watchers you will also be given a personalized SmartPoints™
 budget. This personalized budget takes into account your height, current weight, gender and age. Not only will you have a daily allowance, you will also have a weekly allowance that will take into account splurges, bigger portions and going out. SmartPoints™
are a simple counting system that are easy to use and will help you feel in control of your own progress and goals. 

I started eight years ago with a focus on a healthier lifestyle. I was living life before but I finally feel like eight years ago I really started to live life. My kids have run races right alongside me, we enjoy hikes together and being outside and being active is one of our favorite things to do as a family. I'm leading by example how to live a healthy life and I love that the Beyond the Scale program is coming right along side men and women just like you to help you do the same.  

Weight Watchers wants to help you find and feel your inner strength. You are more than just a number. You are uniquely you. You can be happy and healthier if you are taking care of yourself from the inside out. You deserve a program that recognizes that and is tailored to fit your unique needs.  You deserve a program that helps you stay inspired and motivated. What are you waiting for? Start today!

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