Back in 2005, I started a blog. I was a young mom with three small children and family and friends were scattered all over the United States. I loved my littles and our adventures and wanted a platform to share them on. I used our family blog to stay connected. Once my kids started entering into school and I waded out of the fog of my postpartum depression, I was able to start exploring me.
You see, many people say that they find themselves in their 20's. In my 20's I was a young bride popping out kids every three years like clock work. I was making the necessary sacrifices that come with raising young children. Slowly those burdens started lifting. My kids became more independent and I started getting back into creating. My creations started taking over our family blog in 2009 and as the blogging world started growing, I decided to link up to a blog link party and share one of my creations. People started reading my blog. People other than family members and friends and here I was opening up my home and my kids and my family to people I didn't know.
So I started a second blog I named Holy Craft in January of 2010. I did intense market research {with my friends on Facebook. Take that with whatever authority you will.}, and picked the name Holy Craft based on several factors.
I was inspired by the Proverbs 31 woman in a study I was doing, which is why I loved having Holy in the title of my blog. I wanted to remember that part of myself and I wanted to strive to be that woman. About that same time, I also found a blog called Oops I Craft My Pants {she's since rebranded and you can find her blogging at Unfluffed} and I about died laughing at the name! So very clever. I threw out the name on Facebook, said that I liked the play on words and a childhood friend, who is now in marketing, gave me a few ideas for blog names along the same laugh worthy line. Holy Craft being the one that won.
Fast forward six years later and Holy Craft is about so much more than just crafts, though if you hear the blog title that's the first thing you think of. Or if you are like my blogging roommates at Snap conference, before meeting me they thought perhaps I was one of those holy rollers who was judgmental on her high horse all holier than thou.
It might also surprise you that people read the blog name so quickly and see two words and often think that my first name is Holly. How cool would it be if I were a craft blogger and my last name was Craft? It's not. And I'm not a Holly, but after about the 3,498 time, I started thinking that maybe I needed to clear up the confusion.
I've outgrown my blog name and I am excited to be rebranding! Just like it took me time to grow and find myself in my 20's, my blog has grown and changed as well. The content won't change. I've been writing for years about parenting, living well on less, crafts, DIY, inspiration and real life, I want to continue to have a place to do that, but one that feels more like we are friends sitting down to coffee chatting.image by Chiara Pinna
I get that sometimes people need time to adjust to changes, so I just wanted you to know that there are changes coming, you know, in case you need time to adapt to the idea. There will be a new name and a new look, but it will be the same great content and honest reviews you have grown to expect from me. So stick around. I think you guys are really going to like it!
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