Garage Sale Finds Friday

Welcome back to another week of garage sale finds Friday, where I share with you some of my favorite finds from garage sales.  Do you ever go to garage sales and sense a theme of the day?
This actually happens to me quite often.  I'll go to one garage sale and think "I've never seen that before", then the next five garage sales I go to all I see is that particular thing.

In sticking with this "theme" I thought I would share with you my sewing/crafting garage sale finds.
Sewing and crafting are expensive hobbies. 
If you can keep your eyes peeled for the right items, you can save yourself a ton of money.

*Remember several months ago when I found some twine?  I immediately thought I would make bakers twine.  I finally did.  Don't worry, the tutorial is coming soon.  It's easier than you would think!
*Scrabble tiles are great things to craft with.  I got this bag full for $2
*I have found fabric by the yard at more than one garage sale.  This week, I found 2 bolts of tulle in the color I needed for $1.  Score!
*Gingher scissors are a dream.  Vintage Gingher scissors in great shape...a dream come true!  I paid $7 for the pair of regular scissors and pinking shears.
*Pins, pins and more pins.  I can always use more, especially when I participate in Paula's Pillowcase Project.
*Bags of buttons always catch my eye.  I picked up this bag for $1
*You can never have enough bobbins.  I got these metal bobbins in the container for $1 (despite their $2 price tag!)

So what did you find at garage sales this week?


  1. OOh, great finds! I was just looking for some scrabble tiles for E's party, those are always good to have on hand!!

  2. Fun finds! I bought my girl a flute on the way home from working out...she doesn't know it yet. The kids were fighting like crazy when I got home so I decided to hide it until I wasn't crabby anymore. :)

  3. Great finds! I love the sack with buttons!

  4. Buttons and scrabble tiles are always a great score!! I wish we had good garage sales around here. And I wish my husband would let me collect more craft supplies. :(


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