Lots of Vintage and Painted goodness at my new favorite shop

We are taking a break from our regularly scheduled garage sale finds Friday post because I wanted to introduce you to my new favorite find, a vintage and painted furniture shop called Persnickety's Awesomeness Emporium.

I happened upon this store tucked away in Pacific, WA sandwiched between a tattoo parlor ($40 Fridays anyone) and an industrial block of shops.

From the moment I saw this chalkboard sign, I felt like I was home.

Currently, the front of the shop has a 4th of July Americana feel to it with vintage coke crates, painted flags and red, white and blue furniture.  The little Bell telephone student desk is probably my favorite thing.

This simple flag painting is pretty awesome too.

I sort of have a secret fear of birds.  I'm not a huge fan of winged creatures flying at my head so I don't generally encourage them by providing bird food or bird houses, but this awesome reclaimed bird house may have me changing my mind.

If you remember last year I made several pedestal cake stands very similar to these.  However, mine didn't have such awesome colors.

I'm drawn to large commanding pieces of furniture like this bookcase filled with awesome vintage goodness.

Isn't this Father's Day banner the best?

What's not to love with these handmade steins?
They totally rock my world.

I so wish this shop and all it's goodies were around last year when I was looking for something just like this awesome distressed farm house table.

And even though this picture is a bit blurry, you can check out the fact that the prices at Persnickety's are not stuffy at all.  Seriously, $125 for this awesome table?  Such a deal!

The display of these little singed flower pins and barrettes in this moss filled vintage suitcase makes me think that little fairy's come alive and tromp around in the awesomeness of it at night when no one is around.

This piece is the son of a piece I bought at the store last week.  More on that another time. 
This is an amazing Ethan Allan piece that has been breathed new life into it's former stuck up self.

Everyone I know always wonders how to display their jewelry and keep it safe while still being able to see what they have.  This lacy frame is a great way to do just that.

I'm a sucker for some crazy scary plushies that aren't quite so scary afterall.

Handmade totes?  Yes please.  
Wouldn't the one with the animals on it be just adorable as a diaper bag?

Just when you didn't think you could take any more awesomeness, you walk into this back room that contains even more awesome painted furniture.

I love this curly bench with red undertones {my favorite}.

This stenciled bookcase would really make a statement in any room.

I was totally drawn to these chevron and diagonal painted tables.
I love the colors of them.

Then I learned that these tables are all handcrafted by a mother/daughter team, which makes them way more awesome.

Even more awesome?
The price.  
Seriously, where can you buy tables built from scratch, hand painted, that make such an awesome statement for only $80?
Tell me, because I want to go to there.

This dresser has me wanting to paint everything in my house turquoise.
It's just that awesome.

This little nook looks a little familiar.
Remember my pew that I bought last week at garage sales?
I painted it and brought it in to the shop.
And my grace sign is hanging out in the shop too.

I just love all of the pops of color.
I tend to be restricted to white and blacks and browns while decorating my home, but these little pops of color make me think that I can pull something like this off at my house.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

One last look around to see it all
I'm a poet and didn't know it {tee hee}.

If you are local, you should totally swing by sometime.
If you aren't, that shouldn't stop you from getting inspiration from the wonderful creations in the shop.
You can find Persnickety's Awesomeness Emporium here on facebook.
Like them, show them some love and tell Mandi that I sent you.
You can also shop on-line and find new items added daily.

Tell me about your favorite shop.
Is it a little boutique, a big department store, or a small antique stall?
I don't know about you, but it feels like I could get lost for hours in my favorite shops.
Don't you just love that?!


  1. Wow, wow, wow. Love it oh so much...poet indeed! Oh, and birds are scary, less so when tucked into their houses.

  2. Wow! THAT is my new favorite store. I wish it wasn't all the way on the other side of the country from me. :)

  3. Very cool! We often head out to nowhere in particular on a weekend so I'll have to put this in my phone. Reminds me of some of the cute shops in Snohomish.


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