I try not to, but sometimes in parenting I am a bit of a control freak.
I know that there are things that my kids are capable of,
{making their beds, helping out with the household chores, brushing their own teeth}
but because I know I can do it better and usually faster,
I just like to just do it myself.
When my oldest son was 8, we finally handed over the reigns and let him be in charge of brushing his own teeth. Yep, he was 8. Control much?!
After 6 months of him brushing his own teeth, we had a dentist appointment and guess what?
The outcome was exactly how I thought that it would be.
He sucked at brushing and ended up with 4 cavities!
I knew I couldn't be that mom that went to college with her son showing up every night and in the morning to brush his teeth, so I had to come up with a plan.
Spending hundreds of dollars on filling cavities every six months just wasn't cutting it for me
{multiply that by three kids and it would really be nasty}
so we decided to invest in a Philips Sonicare toothbrush.
For less than the cost to fill a single cavity, we could invest in a Sonicare toothbrush and create a lifetime of healthy oral care habits.
I'm sure you have seen Philips Sonicare toothbrushes at your dentist office.
I had for years.
In fact, 91% of dental professional parents prefer Philips Sonicare for kids for their own children.
We have been using Sonicare toothbrushes for all three kids for the past four years and can I tell you something?
They have been cavity free ever since our switch!
As a parent, we all know how important it is to create independence in our children.
We know that our kids are capable and able to do so much more than we sometimes let them.
Check out this infographic on how we as parents can help navigate the independence balancing act.
I honestly can't tell you how much peace of mind I get from handing over my controlling ways and letting my kids take on the independence of brushing with their sonicare toothbrush.
The new Philips Sonicare for kids is a rechargeable electric toothbrush for kids 4+ from a name we all trust.
It not only encourages healthy brushing habits
{even when kids are doing it on their own}
but it's fun to use with customizable stickers and educational features like a kidpacer
{to encourage kids to brush the "zones"}
and kidtimer
{a built in two minute timer that trains kids to brush for the dentist recommended time}.
My youngest son was excited to receive a Philips Sonicare for kids toothbrush in the mail.
He loved picking out the sticker to make his toothbrush different from his sister and brother's toothbrush.
He immediately ran upstairs and got to brushing!
The KidPacer has fun sounds every 30 seconds that encourage kids to switch from the upper, lower, front and back of their teeth.
This enables kids to get each of their teeth during the two minute dentist recommended brushing time.
Once the two minutes are up, the toothbrush turns itself off.
If using an electric toothbrush is new for your kids, there is a slow start to work up to the two minutes.
Simply switch the button on the bottom of the handle.
The first time my kids used their Sonicare toothbrushes they giggled because it does tickle their teeth until they are used to it.
All done!
Three kids, three Sonicare toothbrushes.
Here are some things about Sonicare toothbrushes that I have learned from years of use.You can travel with your Sonicare toothbrush since it will take a charge for up to a week of use.You will use less toothpaste and there will be less spitting.{if you clean the kids bathroom this little tidbit is a welcome change!}If your kids use a Sonicare, your dentist will notice.{Sonicare removes up to 75% more plaque than a manual toothbrush}Sonicare toothbrushes are a lifesaver if your child has braces.You can find Sonicare kids toothbrushes at Amazon, Target, WalMart, Meijer, Bed Bath & Beyond and Walgreens. They retail for around $49.99 and are worth every penny!We are a Sonicare family.You should be too!Give up some of your control, let the kids become independent and gain some important oral health care habits. And maybe, as an added bonus, you will be spending less time {and money} at the dentist like we did!
disclosure: I received a Sonicare kids toothbrush in exchange for writing this post. All opinions are 100% my own. I wouldn't write about something I didn't love.