Twine beach sign

If I had to pick a place that I am happiest, 
I would pick the beach.

There is something relaxing about the waves crashing,
the sun shining, warm sand and seagulls.

March in the Pacific Northwest is typically rainy.
At least this March has been.
My mind continues to wander to summer and the beach so in the next few weeks, you will probably be seeing a lot of projects from me with driftwood and shells!
Wishful thinking I know, but I am ready for summer!

I have a handful of driftwood and twine projects I want to share with you this month.
Keep checking back for the latest tutorial.

This week, I want to share with you a twine beach sign that I made for only $1.50.

I found these two signs at our local thrift store for $1 each.

I used free paint that I had on hand
and covered them with two coats of paint.

Once the sign is dry, I took out my twine.
I've used this twine {that I paid 50 cents for}

I cut a long length since I knew I wanted to twist and double up my twine.
I used hot glue on the ends to secure them together.

I started at the bottom of the sign working up from the bottom of the B.
This will feel weird because when you write a B, you write it from the top down.
At least I do!
You just have to be mindful of not having to retrace your lines.
I twisted my twine as I went.

I worked slowly placing a hot glue line in the shape of my letter.

There wasn't an easy way to continue the B on where I ended,
so I cut the end of my twine and secured it in place with glue.

I moved on to my next letter and was able to write the E and the A
before I needed to cut my twine again.

Continue on securing your letters in place with glue.

My guest bathroom has a beachy feel to it, 
so my sign found a home in there.

Come back next week and I will show you how I made the 
driftwood star with twine next to it.
Hopefully this project has you thinking about other people's trash a little differently!
I love making projects from other people's cast offs!
Next time you walk the aisles of your local thrift store, 
try to re imagine the items that you see.
What's been the best project you made from a thrift store find? 

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