I'm on jury duty and these are the things that are making me laugh

This week I am fulfilling my civic duty and am serving on jury duty.
At first I was really excited about being called for jury duty, 
but once reality hit, I realized why people detest being called.
Because I am sitting in jury room 123 all day,
I thought I would share with you a few things that were making me laugh.

Seems fair.

While on our honeymoon, my husband threw a rock at and hit a crocodile in a swamp.
I'm thinking he would have thought twice had he seen this sign.

yep, about right.

berry break 711 Take a BERRY Break (40 photos)
I want to do this!
the most funny HD video compilation fail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB8Tf4jag1Q
and this.
Seems right.


Funny Breakup Ecard: Lesson one: Only trust people who like big butts... They cannot lie.
Hold onto that feeling!
My favorite tho was when Willie on Duck Dynasty said "Alright, stop what you're doin" and Si said "cause I'm about to ruin".  I laughed & laughed :). He said he loved that Humpty song!.. LMBO.. can't erase the original text!!!!
Hopefully you saw something that brought a smile to your face.
Feel free to follow along with me on my "funny stuff" board on pinterest.

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