Homemade all purpose cleaner

This post brought to you by Real Simple, All You and Southern Living. All opinions are 100% mine

I'm not a big fan of using harsh chemicals to clean my home.
Not only are they expensive, they are also hard on the environment and on the people
{and pets} living in your home.

I've been making my own household cleaners for years now.
I find that white vinegar is the best cleaner for just about anything and everything and it's dirt cheap!

I made my own laundry detergent for about a year, 
but when I broke my expensive food processor while making a batch, 
I didn't see the cost effectiveness and took a bit of a break.

However, after reading an article from the pages of All You, on the Walmart website
I was inspired to whip up a batch of my very favorite all purpose cleaner
and I wanted to share with you my secret cleaner that I use on everything from my stainless steel appliances to my travertine tile.

You will need:
equal parts white vinegar and water
4-5 drops of your favorite dish soap
6-8 drops of your favorite essential oil {optional but it makes everything smell better!} 
and an empty spray bottle

Mix all of your ingredients together and give it a good shake.
I use a microfiber cloth to wipe off my surfaces.

For some reason our microwave is a magnet for fingerprints!
It drives me nuts so I am always wiping it down.

This homemade all purpose cleaner is perfect for cleaning the outside and the inside of your appliances.
Can you see the fingerprints on my microwave before?

All gone!

 The Walmart website is now featuring tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration from the pages of Hub that will help keep you organized, save you money and get ready for spring!  

You can find inspiration from magazines that we all love, like All You, Real Simple and Southern Living.

You will even find a $1 coupon so that you can pick up your favorite magazine title next time you are in Walmart.

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