Easy to make Fourth of July firework decorations

There aren't a lot of holidays that I spend a lot of time decorating for.  Fourth of July falls into that category.  I love red, white and blue and am quite patriotic, I just forget.  It kind of sneaks up on me every year.  I feel like here we are in June and I'm just getting used to the idea and BAM!

This year was no different.  Hello, It's July 1st and I'm just now getting a tutorial out to you about my easy fireworks decorations.  Good news is, they are so easy that you can whip them up today and have them ready for your festivities on Saturday. 

You will need: empty paper towel and toilet paper tubes, paint and painters tape.

I cut a few of my paper towel tubes down to give some height to them without making them tower over the much shorter toilet paper tubes.

I was surprised that painters tape didn't rip off the paper from the tubes, and it enabled me to get a crisp sharp line.  Just make sure you take off your tape right after you paint before the paint dries and peel as far away from your tube as you can.

I stopped in at the dollar store and picked up patriotic garland and foil star stickers.  The rest of the decorations I had on hand.  I sort of hoard Styrofoam balls when I find them at garage sales cheap {they are expensive!} and I had silver garland on hand from this project.

I filled the tubes with half a sheet of newspaper and then stuck a toothpick into my Styrofoam balls as my wick.  I used hot glue to glue my Styrofoam ball to the top of my tubes.

Once my wicks were in place, I hot glued my silver tinsel on the top of my Styrofoam balls like sparks and added my foil stars. I tied the whole thing together with my patriotic wire tinsel.

Easy peasy and super cheap.  My two favorite qualities in a project!  To find out how to make the chalkboard art, come back on Wednesday for the full tutorial.
How about you.  Do you decorate for the 4th or do you sometimes {all the times} find that it sneaks up on you like it does me?

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