Traveling as a Couple

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Chase Ultimate Rewards for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's no secret that I love to travel. Just this year, I've been to Cancun, MexicoZambia, Africa, Salt Lake City, Utah and Kona, Hawaii. That's not too shabby seeing as how the year is barely half over!

Travel isn't cheap, but experiences are priceless! Our family has made traveling a priority. While we are thrifty in lots of areas of our life {I have been known to dig in the trash for coupons}, we feel like traveling and seeing the world is something we are happy to splurge on. Though, we have found some great ways to save on travel and make it more affordable.

My husband and I got married quite young and almost immediately had an insta family. We didn't have years of leisure time together.  Sometimes in the thick of things with parenting it feels like it lasts forever, but we are in the home stretch now with one of them {our oldest is going to be a senior in high school this year} and it seems like it all happens in the blink of an eye!

Pretty soon, it's going to be just the two of us...something that really never was in our marriage. That's why it's so important for us to be able to take the time as a couple to reconnect with each other.

I love surveys. Recently Chase Ultimate Rewards {the credit card rewards program we use most!} conducted their own survey about couples and vacations. Here are some of their findings. 

Can you believe that 83% of couples plan on traveling this summer? If you check out your Instagram or Facebook feed, that probably won't surprise you. I've seen tons of vacation pictures popping up!

Isn't it funny {not funny ha ha, but funny interesting} that 76% of couples seek a relaxing vacation while 1 in 3 disagree while traveling. That's not super relaxing now is it! It's no surprise that men and women interpret travel goals and roles differently than their partners according to this Chase Ultimate Rewards study, which is why some of these disagreements occur.

So, what's the best way to not get caught in the stress of vacation planning and end up in the cycle of disagreeing with your significant other while you are trying to enjoy a lovely couples trip? Getting in sync. Not like the band {though they were pretty awesome!}, but making sure you both are on the same page.

Thankfully, my husband and I usually have the same idea for what we expect in a couples vacation. We love booking an all inclusive resort that is so nice we don't ever want to leave the property. We look for a long beach perfect for strolling, good food and beautiful rooms. We aren't looking for adventure or excursions {we save those for trips that we take with the kids} just a nice place to unwind and relax and reconnect. Having an idea of what you both expect out of a vacation together is the perfect place to start.

Remember how I told you that we make it a priority to travel? One of the things that makes it possible is that we use Chase Ultimate Rewards. My Chase credit card is actually the only one I have in my wallet. Most travel rewards place limits on your rewards. Blackout periods for airline tickets, extra points for desired locations, limited availability...but not Chase Ultimate Rewards. We can redeem our points for travel, gift cards, cash, experiences and more! We always choose cash as our reward and pool that into our travel budget.

Chase Ultimate Rewards also offers curated travel content and well researched guides for destinations all over the world that are complete with recommendations for hotels, restaurants and activities. This is the perfect tool to help you plan your vacation together so that you can both be on the same page when you travel. I have a good friend that always tells me "failure to plan is planning to fail".

You can be on your way to your next vacation with Chase Ultimate Rewards in no time! What kind of vacation are you dreaming of? 
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