Easy to make tassel pen and coordinating notebook with Duck Tape

It feels like summer just started, but really, it's starting to wind down a bit and we are beginning to think about heading back to school.  My kids have been doing this school thing for quite some time now. Two of the three no longer get lists of school supplies in the form of a checklist. They just know what they like and what works for them.

My daughter is obsessed with stationary supplies. I had no idea that was a thing. But then I started mentioning it to other people and apparently there are other people who love office supplies. Who knew? Maybe you {or one of your kids} is one of them!

I learned that one of the things that office supply lovers love is coordinating supplies in a great print. One of our best tricks is picking up Duck Tape and using that to update cheap school supplies.

A plain composition notebook on sale can be picked up for less than a dollar. One with a fun print is usually at least double. So why not make your own? Not only that, now you can use your Duck Tape to create coordinating supplies for everything from folders, to pencils and pens. The only thing stopping you is your creativity!

Tassels are hot this season, so not only did we want to coordinate some supplies, we wanted to do it in style!

To make your tassel pen, you are going to need a Duck Tape print you love and a solid color to coordinate. You will also need some scissors and some pens. I painted my pens gold before we started. You can find the tutorial here.

Start by rolling out your Duck Tape print about 20 inches. Cut the tape and fold the ends into the center so that the sticky parts are covered and you have a print on both sides.

Take your scissors and cut lines about 3/4 of the way up to make your tassels. Doing this on the whole strip of Duck Tape that you made.

Carefully roll the tape up as tight as you can focusing on the top, uncut part of your Duck Tape.

Use your coordinating solid color to create the top of the tassel and the "string" that will hold your tassel on to your pen.

Make a small piece that has been folded in on itself as the string and use another small piece to wrap around the top of your tassel to hold it in place. Don't secure the piece of Duck Tape that you use on the top of your tassel without adding your string to the inside.  Once you add that, you can close the tape up.

Secure the tassel with tape to your pen.
You can also use your Duck Tape to cover the front of a notebook or folder.

That's it! Now you have one of a kind coordinating school supplies to take back to school.

What school supplies will you update?

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