Introducing the new We Made It line from Jennifer Garner and Joann's

As a mom, one of my favorite things to do with my kids is to craft and create.  Which is why I love this new line of creative kits and projects called We Made It from Jennifer Garner exclusively available at Joann's stores.

We are barely into our summer already and I am already getting the reports of how bored my children are, so I was happy to be able to take out this fairy princess craft kit with my daughter and spend the afternoon creating together for my three year old niece.  

Bri obviously loved the tutu and wand her big cousin made her and I can't wait to introduce you to the line of more than 100 creative kits and projects designed for kids ages 4-11.

When I was younger I used to take old boxes {kleenex boxes were my favorite} and create little houses out of them for my dolls and small toys. I would cut the lid off of the box, and use the cardboard to make a bed or a shelf and I used old fabric scraps of my moms to make curtains or quilts for the bed. I spent hours creating.

I see my kids doing the very same thing now. There is so much value in creative play for our children and when I find kits or activities that encourage it, I jump on board!

My daughter saw this fairy princess costume kit and immediately thought of making it for her younger cousin. What a fun afternoon project that we were able to take outside and enjoy making together in the shade.  I love that each We Made It kit comes with loads of information on the back that will not only prepare you for any special items needed {none were for this craft} but that they also focus on the key techniques and skill level of the project.  Sometimes making the project is half the fun, but being able to give a high quality handmade item to her cousin was even more fun.

I was so impressed at how complete the kit was and that all of the boring parts {the cutting and measuring} was already done for us so that we could focus on the fun stuff like creating!  What we ended up with was a high quality product that is a great memory to treasure or a wonderful gift to give.

There are so many projects and kits included in the We Made It line, from tea towels to doll costumes to my favorite, the sharing blanket. 
A sharing blanket is a blanket kit that includes all the materials a few siblings will need to create two halves of a blanket that they can then sew together to create one big blanket that they share for book or TV time. Talk about a great project for creating loads of memories!
Next time you hear the dreaded "I'm bored" from your kids, head over to Joann's and check out the new We Made It line.  You are sure to find something you can create with your kids!

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