I'm making the switch...come with me!

I have heard the buzz around blog land that there are changes that are a comin'.
But I have acted like this.

ostrich head in sand

Blogging is hard for me.  
I don't have the first clue in writing code.  
It has happened more than once that I have pushed some buttons and made our computer nothing more than a box with a blue screen.
Put a blogging basics tutorial in front of me and my eyes glaze over.

If you didn't notice I am so close to a blogging milestone.
So exciting!!!  

But it doesn't matter because Google Friend Connect is going away March 1.
That ticking number has to start all over again from the beginning.
That's the hardest part.
I don't want to lose a single person.

I finally got the push from Susan at Homeroad to add the Linky Followers Gadget to my sidebar.

I took Susan's advice and headed over to read the amazing tutorial from At The Picket Fence.

What does all this mean for you?
If you follow me with Google Friend Connect, you will need to make the switch.
It's super easy!
You just need to click the follow me button and you won't miss a beat!

You can also follow me 
on Facebook and
at Pinterest

So what are you waiting for?
Follow me on Linky Followers so you don't miss anything happening here at Holy Craft!


  1. I just added linky followers yesterday...sucks to have to start over! Following you, again, lol.

  2. I am about to do this myself soon, I love that first picture, so me, glad I am not alone my friend! ;)

  3. Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have a chance to visit and perhpas follow me back.

  4. Those Valentines are aDORable! I love the the mustaches are removeable and wearable! I pinned those heart bookmarkes too, but haven't gotten around to making them yet. I'm your newest Linky Follower! Hope you'll visit me at One Artsy Mama!



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