Pinterest, oh how I love thee

So by now, I'm pretty sure everyone has at least heard of Pinterest.
If you haven't, let me know what rock you have been hiding under, mama could 
use a break from the real world!
There are so many fantabulous ideas out there 
(yep, just made up an awesome word...gonna pin it too...probably going to be the next "cool")

Sometimes I get so excited about an idea (or maybe I just keep seeing the same idea and loving it)
that I pin the item twice.
Trash to Couture
Sometimes there are crazy funny things that just make me laugh like 
But the thing I love most about Pinterest is all of the inspiration I get from so many great ideas.
I saw this
and made this
I saw this
and made this
I saw this
and made this
I saw this
and made this
Of course, that's not all.  That's just a sampling of what I have made thanks to pinterest.
One of my friends had a genius idea of making a "pins I have conquered" board on pinterest.  
Isn't that a great idea?!
And you know what else I loved about it...
She reviewed each of those things she pinned and wrote her thoughts.
This was especially helpful for recipes.
The final thing I love about pinterest is that it has directed so many people to my blog.
I love love love it when people find inspiration from things I do, so it makes my heart happy when they 
find my blog and are able to be inspired to be crafty.
So, what do you love about pinterest?
If you aren't on pinterest yet and want an invite, just leave me a comment and I will send you an invite.
You can follow me on pinterest here.
ps-please vote for me today to be one of the top 25 creative mom blogs out there!


  1. Some funnies there to be sure! I thought your cupcakes turned out much cuter than the original inspiration!

  2. I love pinterest and am on there as well, too much probably. So much inspiration and just down right stuff to droll over.
    BTW, I tried to put your button on my blog and it won't work... I copied it all and pasted it into my html widget and nothing...I must be doing something wrong. Ugh.. I will overcome.


  3. Great post! I would love for you to link up at my Linky Party via:

    PS: I am your newest Linky Follower!

    Mrs. Delightful

  4. OMG that sweater with the baby is hilarious! I like the dog too! Have a great weekend!

  5. Gotta LOVE pinterest! the projects you created are fabulous! {I also have the sweet little cupcake stands pinned! } Thanks you for linking up at our Uncommonly Yours party! Bonnie ;)


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