The house cleaning dilema

For Christmas my in-laws gave me the gift of 3 hours of house cleaning.
I clean my own house but am no stranger to having a house cleaning service.

For 6 weeks after my third child was born, my mom gave me the gift of a house keeper to help me out with the transition.
I hated it.

Not that I hated someone cleaning for me, but the house keeper I hired was less than reliable.
There was a bit of a language barrier so communicating was difficult.
Also, the amount of cleaning I had to do before having the cleaning lady come was a huge burden with three small kids that it almost didn't seem worth it.

That said, after moving into a house that is double the size of our old house, sometimes cleaning can be overwhelming.
Our neighborhood has 12 houses in it, and 9 of them have a housekeeper(s) that come on a weekly basis.

When I called to schedule the appointment last week, the very nice receptionist asked me what my priorities were.

The first thing I thought of was having the bathrooms and the kitchen cleaned.

But when my husband came home he said why don't you have them do something you don't want to do.  Something you hate.  
I hadn't thought of that.

I don't love to clean the cabinets.
You know, wipe down the faces of them and clean the handles.

I hate doing the windows.

Cleaning the baseboards is a huge job.


So is cleaning all the doors

dusty blinds

I hate cleaning the blinds.

And I probably don't clean out my fridge as much as I should.

So what do you think.  
I only have the 2 housekeepers for 1 1/2 hours.
Should I have them clean the bathrooms/kitchen
or do one or more of the chores that I hate to do?
What would you suggest?

1 comment

  1. I think, unless she is coming every week, choose something that you know will take you another year to get around to. Like windows, cabinets, etc. I would have to add in our bathroom- I don't clean it nearly as often as I do the kids' bathroom!


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