Linen and book page canvas

If you have been reading along for awhile, you know that I love cheap art.
But not cheap looking art!
I also love book pages .
Remember this utensil art I did last year?

I took the same idea and made this linen and book page art.

I started with three clearance canvases that cost $3 each.

I made my own mod podge by mixing tacky glue and water (about a 2-1 ratio)
and applied the book pages to the canvas

After I got the book pages on the canvas, this is where the project turned into Science Fair mode.
Remember my printer post?
Well, my brother and sister in law got me an ink jet printer for Christmas and I have been loving it.
I pretty much broke out any tutorial for transferring images I could find.
This one was the best by far!

the graphics fairy

I searched high and low for Citra Solv

With no luck

So I tried making my own wax paper transfer using an image from The Graphics Fairy

It started out o.k. but once I transferred the image it looked like this
Not sure if it was the water I squirted first (like the directions said) or if it didn't like the paper I used, 
but it was a fail

I remembered I had some linen that I bought at Ikea 
So I tried the printing on fabric method and had success!
I literally stared at the printer as it took fabric and printed an image on it.
It was amazing!  

Some spray adhesive later and here is my linen and book page art

I used images I loved so they are a bit random
but I'm a bit random so that's o.k.

This fan is my favorite!
I sort of have a thing for old fans.

So now I need to find a place to hang them.
I'm pretty sure I will call my handy husband in to help!


  1. Like this! We are planning a book themed basement; these would be great for that.

  2. These are great! I love the images you chose. I may copy these exactly for my master bathroom because I enjoy yours so much. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Very nice wall art! I don't think the pics are random at all. They have a nice vintage symmetry about them. I have a thing for bike art. Love your blog! New follower, too. Found you via Flamingo Toes!


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