Rachel's Random Ramblings

It's been awhile since I posted some randomness in the form of Rachel's Random Ramblings.
I'm pretty sure it's about time to take a little stroll through my head.
But only for a bit, you guys can't handle more than that.

I buy my shampoo and conditioner and most of my hair products at garage sales.
I finally just ran out of my two year supply of shampoo last week.  
I paid $5 for it.
Want to know what my favorite conditioner is?
L'Oreal Excellence Creme Haircolor, Light Brown 6
Yep, the little sample bottle of cream conditioner that you get in the hair color boxes.  
I hit the jackpot last summer and bought a zillion of those little bottles for $1 from some lady who had a "friend" who didn't like the conditioner.
Who doesn't like that stuff?
It's ah-mazing!

Now you wanna know what kind of hair products I get from garage sales?
I have been using this from Wen sweet almond mint styling cream.
I bought a brand new bottle for $1.
Pretty sure the people I bought it from got sucked into the infomercial.
Wen Sweet Almond Mint Styling Creme 4 Oz.
I've also gotten brand new bottles of Aveda and Big Sexy hair products.
Have I told you lately how much I love garage sales???
Also, could we take a second to remind my husband how lucky he is to have me?
'K, thanks.

I know May day came and went, but no joke, that morning my husband and I had a lengthy discussion about how when I was a kid, we made these little paper cones that we filled with flowers and then ding dong ditched our neighbors and left the paper cones on their porches.

Mike was pretty sure I was making this whole tradition up.
He blamed my crazy tradition on my Midwest upbringing.
But guess what?
Later on at work, his secretary told him a story about how she used to give her neighbors flowers on May day, and nope she didn't grow up in the Midwest. 
Then, when my husband got home from work he was greeted by this

Yep, a paper cone with flowers in it from our neighbors.  Except they didn't ding dong ditch us.  Maybe that part is a crazy Midwest tradition.

I might accidently (in my sick sense of humor) think it's funny to lead my k-5th grade Sunday school kids in the wrong motions to songs when they are in front of a large crowd.
This past weekend, we had a special kid famine event (similar to the 30 hour famine that many High School kids take part in), and during each of their performances for their families, I stayed at the back of the room doing my best cardio kickboxing and ninja moves.
It's so fun to see which kids are watching me at the time.
I can usually get one or two kids to follow me in doing my crazy moves.
It's hilarious stuff people.

My husband just bought a guitar that cost 5x's what my first car cost.  Yep, you read that right MY CAR.
This was a "discussion" that we had over the course of several weeks.
He won obviously.
Want to know what my first car was?
It was awesome enough to get mentioned in this song.

If you figure it out, leave me a comment with your guess, you might just get a special prize.

My 13 year old son is a drummer.
He recently played his first show at a club with a couple of other young kids.
I love kids making music.

These kids only practiced three times together before playing live.
I think they did an awesome job.

I listen to the Dave Matthews radio station on Pandora every.single.day.
I have finally decided that I have lived in the Seattle area for long enough without actually running into my favorite "local" artist.
I am now going into stalking mode.
But not stalking like restraining order stalking
That's crazy talk.
I better get my rear in gear before he starts touring though.
Who is with me?

I just bought a pair of short shorts.
As a mom of three in my 30's I'm a little nervous about this purchase.
Is there an age limit on short shorts?
Should there be?

I recently resumed my search for narrow shoes.
If you recall, I have a double whammy, a narrow and a small foot.
I thought for sure I would find some on zappos.com
Nope.  Nothing.
Help me out people?  Where can I find a good pair of shoes for my tiny infant foot?

My husband took some the opportunity this past weekend to re caulk our shower.
We couldn't use the shower for 24 hours after he did that.
So, I showered in the kids bathroom.
I felt like I was on vacation.
Isn't that crazy how you change something like that up and it makes everything feel so different?

So that's my randomness.
What's random with you?


  1. It all comes back to Canada again! Barenaked Ladies song? Oh Rachel, they are my peeps! You had a K-car...a nice "Relient" automobile. As in pylmoth (sp?) Relient!

  2. It all comes back to Canada again! Barenaked Ladies song? Oh Rachel, they are my peeps! You had a K-car...a nice "Relient" automobile. As in pylmoth (sp?) Relient!

  3. I think the May Day thing might be more of a Midwestern thing...I grew up in Des Moines, but I've lived in California, Texas, and now New York, and it was only in Iowa that we did the ding-dong-ditch baskets. Except ours were usually filled with candy and (for the more ambitious neighbors) baked goods. Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would turn down the opportunity to get free candy and baked goods. (Go Midwest!)

  4. LOVE your ramblings! We always did May Day ding dong ditch with flowers. Love that tradition!!

    I have HUGE and WIDE feet - can't help you in the shoe department.

  5. I love your ramblings! After all this time, I had no idea that you were doing the wrong moves - next time I promise to follow along with you!

    I have a narrow foot too. It's size 5-1/2 to boot, and most shoes don't run smaller than 6. I have the best luck with Nikes and Clarks overall since they run narrow (and small). I've had really good luck at Nordstrom Rack at the supermall. They put out their shoes by size and width, so they will have 6N, 6, and then 6W, etc.

    I know we did May Day ding dong ditch when I was growing up in Colorado, Wyoming, and Chicago. I don't think all of those are mid-west.

    You have great legs - if anyone can wear short shorts, it's you!

    Garage sale season is awesome, and you and Mike are so very blessed to have each other!

  6. Oh I love that song! I am guessing a k-car.

    I have a small foot too, but thankfully not narrow! Most narrow shoes start at a 7 which really stinks. I am between a 5 1/2 and a 6 and I still struggle. For cute little shoes Nine West goes down to a 5 and so does Easy Spirit (they are more comfortable).

    Garage sales are so much fun! Great place to get crafty stuff too!

  7. What a fun post! I didn't realize that you could get hair products at garage sales, I guess I don't go to enough of them. You're right, that little conditioner is the best!


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