Easy {microwaveable} chicken burrito bowl

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, Birds Eye®, and Tyson® but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #FastFreshFilling http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV

I am always looking for healthy easy meal ideas for my family of five, but I rarely find one that is as much of a crowd pleaser as these chicken burrito bowls were.  These were a major hit for me because I could cook everything in the microwave and I didn't have to heat up my kitchen.  

You see, I live in the greater Seattle area and while the summer is a gorgeous time to be around our city, it can also be pretty darn hot.  Less than 1% of the homes in the Pacific Northwest have air conditioning because we just don't need it.  Most of us learn to cook without heating our houses during the summer, because let's face it, when it's 85 degrees INSIDE your house, the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven!

Summer is a busy time for everyone.  I know I would rather be outside playing than inside cooking.  I can't wait to share with you my unbelievably easy, healthy and full of protein chicken burrito bowls that can be made totally in your microwave!  How darn convenient is that?!

A good summer meal is always accompanied by something that was grown in the garden.  We have had a bounty of spinach and lettuce this summer that has been delicious!  While I was out in the garden I also chopped off some cilantro.  I wish my tomatoes were ready.

I shopped at my local WalMart and picked up Tyson grilled and ready chicken breast fillets, Birds Eye protein blends Southwestern Style {with protein added...great for this mama who just ran a half marathon and for my swimmer son...and filling for the growing teens in my family!}, avocado, lime and tomato.  You can also pick up sour cream as a topping.

I chopped up my lettuce and made my families favorite guacamole recipe {check back on Wednesday for the recipe}.

Here is everything I had on hand to get this whole meal thrown together.  In under ten minutes, the meal was cooked and ready for the table.  I call that an easy meal idea don't you?

While the chicken breasts were cooking in the microwave, I put down a layer of chopped lettuce on my plate. While the chicken cooled, I cooked the Southwestern Style mix.

I layered the mix on top of my bed of lettuce.  No seasonings needed!  It's already packed with flavor and smells amazing!

I cubed the chicken {and snuck a bite...man, it tasted like it had come off of the grill!}.  It's 100% all natural white meat, so it cut nicely and tasted amazing!

I layered on tomatoes, cilantro, guacamole and sour cream before I squeezed on some lime juice.

Oh my goodness!  This was amazing!  It's my new summer go to recipe.  Not only is it fast and easy, it's healthy and filling.  Major bonus that it doesn't heat up my kitchen.

The kids decided they wanted theirs inside of a burrito.  I love how versatile this meal is!  Slap some guacamole and sour cream down, layer your Southwestern style protein blends and cube some chicken and you are in business!


WalMart has everything you need to make this meal. I promise you, you will love this as much as our family did.  It was so easy and unbelievably tasty!  So tasty, that my husband was still talking about it the next night!

Go pick some up!  You won't be disappointed.  Give it a try tonight!  Don't forget to check back on Wednesday for my homemade guacamole recipe. 

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