Garage sale finds Friday + summer camp counselor information you don't want to miss

Welcome to another week of garage sale finds Friday.  Where I share with you some of my favorite garage sale finds from the week.  I had some pretty great finds and scored a collectors item for next to nothing!

Want to see what I got?

I initially walked away from this plastic dark wood hamper, but I was drawn back to it as I walked back to my car.  The lines were pretty awesome and it doubled as storage, which is always a bonus. It was only $1 so I picked it up. Stay tuned for Tuesday when I show you it's transformation!

I love serving wear. Anything white and I stock up! I loved this white plate with the black trim.  Isn't it classy?  It was only a dollar.

Speaking of things for only a dollar, I picked up this vintage Hudson Bay blanket for a buck.  A buck! It's not in prefect shape, in fact the woman I bought it from told me it made a perfect blanket to keep in the back of the car for emergencies {oh boy!} but for a dollar, I couldn't pass it up.  These blankets are very collectible and unbelievably beautiful and durable!

It happens every once in a blue  moon that you can find an item that has the perfect amount of chippiness and patina.  This is that blue moon.  Isn't this bi-fold door fabulous?!  I think it will be perfect for photo backdrops and for use at craft fairs.  For only $3 I snatched it up!

I also picked up this smaller shutter for $1. It might be nice to hang photos on or Christmas cards during the holidays.  Not sure yet.  But it was too cute to pass up!

I had some pretty awesome scores. Several of them are already my favorite things ever. What did you find this week? Did you have any success?
Wait until you see how that plastic hamper looks now!  Don't forget to sign up for our e-mail newsletter {you can find the sign up form right under my cute face on the right side bar} so that you get the latest news delivered right to your inbox.  Transformation Tuesday is coming! You don't want to miss it!
Something else you don't want to miss is the 2015 Design Dazzle summer camp!  For the second year in a row I am participating as a summer camp counselor joining a huge line up of other fantastic bloggers sharing our best summer camp ideas with you. The party is just now starting!  Check out some of the ideas already listed!

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