Transformation Tuesday: Succulents in painted terra cotta pots and cigar boxes

Welcome to the first ever transformation Tuesday here at Holy Craft! I am so excited that you are here today!  If you randomly stumbled upon today's post, here is a little background.

I'm a huge garage saler {yep, it's a word}! I have been going to sales for as long as I remember and nearly every Friday and Saturday you will know where to find me. I just love finding a deal and I have the most fun on the hunt.

However, not everything I find is in tip top shape. Sometimes my finds need a little transformation to get to their fullest potential.  Which is where my new series, transformation Tuesday comes into play. In case you missed the return post of garage sale finds Friday, you can go here and check out my finds because today, I will be taking those finds up a notch and transforming them.  Ready?!

Inspired by my friend Kari at Life PreKarious, I knew exactly what I was going to make when I saw three plain terra cotta pots at a garage sale for $1.  I loved her DIY gold leaf succulent planter and thought I would do a little variation of that with my favorite gold deco art paint.  I also threw a little turquoise in there too because, well, who doesn't love turquoise right now?  I used the same blue on this memo board I made a few weeks ago.

Once I painted my pots, I planted some of the succulents that I got {at a garage sale!} into the pot. I am jumping hard on that succulent bandwagon.  Mostly because I kill everything my hands touch! Well, except my kids.  So far, so good.

photo and styling credit to Seoul Photography
Remember the cigar and barbershop boxes I picked up?  I paid $1 for all of them. Aren't they fun when you put some succulents in them?!
I'm pretty sure you could plant succulents in a trash can and they would look awesome!
Wasn't that fun?!  And the little transformation didn't take long at all!  Sometimes it's hard to think outside of the box, but once you do, you will realize how awesome succulents will look inside the box.  Ha!  See what I did there.  
Thanks for joining me!  Stay tuned for more transformation Tuesday's.  I think you are really going to like them!

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