Can I be annoying today?

I know my daily begging for votes is getting annoying 
but I entered this Top 25 Creative moms contest and would love to finish in the top 25.

If each one of you would just pop over there right now and vote
(really, it only takes a second)
I would be moving up in the ranks and securing my cushion in the top 25.

I know blogging isn't all about how many readers you have.
It's not a popularity contest either.

But I have big plans for this little blog
I pour a lot of time and love every day into this blog

I would love to see where this blog could go if it had the opportunity to reach 6 million moms if it made this top 25 list.
(pretty sure if I made it, the next step would be world domination!)

So pretty please, if you like what you see happening here at Holy Craft,  and you want to see more, 
please take a second and vote.

Thank you!

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