My word for my Uganda trip is Excess

At the beginning of the year, I saw a lot of bloggers coming up with words for the year.
The purpose of choosing a word was to announce to the blogging world and their readers what they would spend the year focusing on.
My Pretty Pennies chose courage

I loved the word gaudeamus {let us rejoice}

In preparation for my vision trip to Uganda with a team of 12 from our church, our team leader asked us to come up with three goals for our trip.  A spiritual goal, a behavioral goal and a knowledge goal.

I spent some time praying for God to make those goals clear to me because on my own, I was coming up empty handed.  He gave me one word.  Excess.

By definition excess is an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted or desirable.

Pretty much sums up everything about America to me.
Pretty much sums up everything about my life.  

I have closets full of clothes and shoes.
Pantries and cupboards full of food.
I see a good deal and I can't just buy one, I have to buy multiple so that I don't miss out on a good deal.

I have the same 24 hours in the day as everyone else and while I sometimes wonder where my time goes, I do still have plenty of excess time in my day that I fill with TV watching or piddling on the internet.

I'm praying on this word.
I'm seeking out what God wants me to learn about it and how excess pertains to my life and what I can do to change my behavior.

I know that the people in Buliisa, Uganda will teach me a thing or two about excess.
I'm looking forward to it.
In the meantime, will you continue to keep me in your prayers as I travel and learn and listen?
I will update if I am able on my instagram page.

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