Blog Swapping with Keeping it Simple

I'm doing my first blog swap today with Kaysi at Keeping it Simple. Come check me out over there, and please welcome my new friend Kaysi to Holy Craft! If you haven't been to her blog, head on over. It's always a wonderful source of inspiration for me.

Hello everyone! I am super excited to be here with you today!!

Let me introduce myself, I'm Kaysi

Keeping It Simple
Here are a few things about me:
I am the mother of three boys, ages 5, 3 and 1
I have been married to an amazing man for 6 years
I love chocolate!!
I love color, green is my favorite but brown and blue are up there
I like to keep things simple, not overdo them
When I get a spare moment, I love to craft or look at crafts

Each day of the week, I have something different.
Motivate me Monday, that's where I have link party and you get to show me all the cute things that you have done.
Tutorial Tuesday, I give a tutorial of a craft that I have done
Whatever Wednesday, this is my day that I put anything up.
Scrapbook Thursday, this is the day that I post a scrapbook idea or give a scrapbook tip
Fridays are the days that I do Blog swaps with other bloggers.

Here are a few things that you can see at my blog:

Thanks Rachel for doing this swap with me, it's been fun!

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