Random Readers, Random Facts

I couldn't believe how many fun and interesting facts you guys put out there. I loved reading each and every comment. Some of my readers have some awesome things that they have done in life.
For instance, Tracy used to hang with Def Leppard back in the day, which I am sure has some fun stories in and of itself right there. I used to listen to a lot of Def Leppard back in my day. My older siblings were huge heavy metal fans.
Maureen stumbled upon my blog when she was looking for Lego birthday party ideas for get this, her son Owen (my son's name) who is turning 5 (yep, same age). Great minds think alike! I bet our Owen's would love to hang out sometime.
Stephanie's great great Grandfather gave Abe Lincoln his first job...no joke...she wouldn't tell a lie about that one! (ha!!! I kill myself!).
And lots and lots of you love the color purple. I'm more partial to reds but am pretty sure that it's mandatory for girls to go through a purple phase at some point in their life. Mine was in second grade.
But now, let's get to the winner. I used random.org for the first time and got this:

Here are your random numbers:


So after using Mandy's super helpful tutorial on how to add numbers to my comments, I found that my new friend Jamie over at Fragrant Bliss is the winner of the purple gemstone necklace. Jamie, send me an e-mail (you can find my contact info in the contact me tab above) with your address and I can get it out to you this week. Thanks to all who joined in.

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