Fabric wallets and a giveaway!

Doesn't it feel good when you get something done? I finally got these wallets finished up last night with the help of my hubby. He was in charge of the snaps. I guess I don't know my own strength because I kept breaking them! So, I set up my sweat shop and set my hubby to work.

I made quite an assortment.
I added a coordinating ruffle on some of them.

I really think they are fun!

And while I was busy sewing these bad boys, I noticed that I hit 400 followers this weekend! I really can't believe so many people are reading along. Thanks for keeping me motivated to keep crafting. As a thank you to my lovely followers, I will be giving away one of these wallets. How do you win you ask?

1. Become a follower and leave a comment that you are a new follower
2. If you are already a follower, thank you! And leave a comment.
3. Head on over to my Facebook page and become a follower there and then enter your name again in the comments and let me know.

You guys rock! Thanks for following along with me.

Giveaway closes on Sunday, October 24


  1. I am a follower...for a while now. I love these little wallets, they are so handy! Thanks for sharing your crafts with us!

  2. I've been a follower for a tiny bit and would love one of your adorable wallets! :)


  3. I am an OLD follower! haha love those little puppies! they would make great gifts

  4. Cute wallets. I am a follower. Good luck selling these little cuties--should be fun:)

  5. I'm a follower!! And I love these!

  6. Love that you had hubby participate in your "sweatshop"!!
    I'm a follower and I love your cute little wallets!
    Keep up the good work!

  7. Very cute, especially with the sweet ruffle feature! Just added myself as a follower although I've been visiting you for awhile now...

  8. Sweatshop with hubs - could be worse. :)

    I really like the third photo of the pink and aqua wallet.

  9. i'm an old follower and i love these! :)

  10. Ha ha, it looks like I'm going to echo what Amanda above me said. :-) I've been reading your blog for a while now, but I just now finally clicked the follow button. Love the wallets!

  11. New follower :)

  12. FB follower too!
    Love those wallets. Great Christmas idea

  13. Cute, cute, cute and CUTE!!
    Suzie over at


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